Hey guys! What's up? I'm back! With more MuStAcHy stuff! Now, today we will be talking about this awesome singer and incredible MuStAcHe lover! Her name's Victoria Justice. She takes her fake MuStAcHeS everywhere she goes! She loves MuStAcHe accessories! She's great! I heard that she hides MuStAcHeS stickers on the weirdest places of her house! How strange would it be to find on ur toilet a sticker of a MuStAcHe??!! I wished I could have MuStAcHe stickers so I could do the same thing she does. But I don't know where to buy those stickers... :(

Well, can u see the bandage she's wearing on the picture on the left? That's from Claire's!! She's a Claire's fan!! Yey, just like us.
And these bandages are awesome!! I must buy ones for myself...
So, as u can see, Victoria Justice is an incredible MuStAcHe fan. She´s like an inspiration for me to write my blog. Thanks for being a MuStAcHe fan, Victoria Justice and thanks for ur awesome voice!
Check out her songs on her youtube channel victoriajustice4all